šifra: 542426
RINČICE i podloške sa alatom-boja: SILVER-promjer: 14mm_količina: 80 kom. MULTIPAC
Ukrašavanje bez šivanja ? Vrlo jednostavno !
Klasične Prymove ušice su svestrani i pravi su plus za vezice, rukotvorine, kao moderni ukrasni elementi ili za uređenje interijera.
Nehrđajuće ušice izrađene su od mesinga i dostupne su u različitim bojama i s različitim unutarnjim dimenzijama.
Na ušicama 4, 5 i 8 mm može se raditi sa bilo kojim čekićem, Prym VARIO kliještima ili sa Prym tronožcem, dok sa rinčicama sa unutarnjim promjerom od 11 mm i 14 mm možete raditi samo s isporučenim alatom i vlastitim čekićem.
Nehrđajuće ušice izrađene su od mesinga i dostupne su u različitim bojama i s različitim unutarnjim dimenzijama.
Na ušicama 4, 5 i 8 mm može se raditi sa bilo kojim čekićem, Prym VARIO kliještima ili sa Prym tronožcem, dok sa rinčicama sa unutarnjim promjerom od 11 mm i 14 mm možete raditi samo s isporučenim alatom i vlastitim čekićem.
Ušice trebaju biti fiksirane, tako da se one ne mogu više okretati – čime se izbjegava odvajanje oka ako je tkanina zategnuta.
Eyelets and washers with Tool: SILVER – 14mm – 80 sets MULTIPAC
Non-sew embellishing? Very easy! Prym’s classic eyelets are versatile and are a real plus for laces, handicrafts, as fashionable decorative elements or for interior decoration.
The stainless eyelets are made of brass and are available in different colours and with different internal dimensions.
The 4.5 and 8 mm eyelets can be worked on either with a hammer, the VARIO pliers for non-sew products or the tripod, whereas the 11 mm and 14 mm inner diameter
eyelets can only be worked on with the supplied tool and a hammer. The eyelets should be fixed, so that they can no longer turn – which avoids the detachment of the eye if the fabric is tightened.
Non-sew embellishing? Very easy! Prym’s classic eyelets are versatile and are a real plus for laces, handicrafts, as fashionable decorative elements or for interior decoration.
The stainless eyelets are made of brass and are available in different colours and with different internal dimensions.
The 4.5 and 8 mm eyelets can be worked on either with a hammer, the VARIO pliers for non-sew products or the tripod, whereas the 11 mm and 14 mm inner diameter
eyelets can only be worked on with the supplied tool and a hammer. The eyelets should be fixed, so that they can no longer turn – which avoids the detachment of the eye if the fabric is tightened.