šifra: 393135
Color snaps fasteners 30pcs.
promjer 12.4 mm,
boja: violet
“Color Snaps” drukeri u boji iz serije “Prym Love” odavno su dostigle kultni status,
u skladu su s Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 Klasa 1 zbog lakoće zatvaranja
se često koriste za bebe i dječju odjeću.
Samo-izrađene jakne, prsluci ili posteljina lako se ukrašavaju zatvaračima u boji.
Svako pakiranje sadrži tri različite, skladno kombinirane boje – sigurni smo
da imamo savršenu kombinaciju boja za svaki ukus.
Drukeri “Color Snaps” izrađeni su od robusne plastike i mogu se prati na 60 stupnjeva.
Rad sa “Color Snaps” moguć je samo sa kliještima Prym VARIO za drukere
i setom alata “Color Snaps” u promjeru 12,4mm i
“Color Snaps Mini” u promjeru 9mm.
- Colour assorted press fasteners for baby’s and children’s clothing
- Easy fastening strength
- Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 Class 1
- The Prym VARIO pliers for non-sew products and the “Color Snap” tool are needed for working with them.
The “Color Snaps” have
long since reached cult status, comply with
the Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 Class 1 and are often
used for baby’s and children’s clothing due to their
easy closing strength. Self-made jackets, waistcoats
or bed linen are easily embellished by the
coloured press fasteners. Each pack contains three different,
harmoniously combined colours – we are sure that we have
the perfect colour combination for every taste.
The “Color Snaps” are made of robust plastic and
can be washed at 60 degrees.
Working with
“Color Snaps” is only possible with the
Prym VARIO pliers
for non-sew products and “Color Snaps” tool set.