Pribadače Prym Love-50kom x 0.60mm

6,60  sa PDV

Dostupno za isporuku odmah

šifra: 028521

Prym Love pribadače 50 kom. x 0.60mm

Igle s plastičnim glavama Prym Love, 50 x 0,60 mm, razne
– duge igle s ravnim plastičnim glavama u obliku srca i leptira
– vrlo stabilna veza između glave i osovine
– fine točke olakšavaju provlačenje kroz tkaninu.
Ove duge igle Prym Love 50 x 0,60 mm, izrađene od nehrđajućeg čelika, ukrašene su s lijepim plastičnim glavama u obliku srca ili leptira i stoga su prava privlačnost za sve ljubitelje šivanja.
Iznimno stabilna veza između osovine i glave nudi visoku otpornost na habanje.
Fini vrh lako prodire u nekoliko slojeva tkanine bez oštećenja vlakana.
Plastične glave igle mogu se lako i sigurno uhvatiti i posebno su dekorativne.
Prym nudi ove igle u jedinicama od 50 u prozirnoj kutiji na samoposlužnoj kartici.
Plastic-headed pins Prym Love, 50 x 0.60 mm, assorted
  • Long pins with flat plastic heads shaped like hearts and butterflies
  • Highly stable connection between head and shaft
  • Fine points make them easy to push through the fabric.

These long 50 x 0.60 mm Prym Love pins, made from rust-proof stainless steel, are decorated with pretty plastic heads in the shape of a heart or a butterfly and are therefore a real eye-catcher for all sewing fans.
The extremely stable connection between shaft and head offers a high resistance to wear and tear.
The fine tip easily penetrates several layers of fabric without damaging the fibres.
The plastic heads of the pins can be easily and securely gripped and are particularly decorative.
Prym offers these pins in units of 50 in a transparent box on a self-service card.


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