šifra: 431142
NAPRŠNJAK ergonomski gumirani vel. L -18 mm
Tko god misli da se jednostavan pribor za ručni rad kao što je naprstak ne može dalje razvijati, bit će pozitivno iznenađen „Soft Comfortom“ iz serije prym.ergonomics.
Ovaj inovativni naprstak nagrađen je nagradom Red Dot Design Award 2015. jer radi sve savršeno što bi njegovi konkurenti trebali.
Njegova drška od meke plastike u nekoliko boja nudi besprijekornu udobnost u veličinama S, M, L i XL.
Sa strane se nalaze četiri otvora za ventilaciju koji sprječavaju znojenje pri duljem radu.
Gornji dio “Soft Comfort” naprstka “izrađen je od tvrde bijele plastike i ima ureze u obliku točkica koji osiguravaju savršeno vođenje igle čak i kod čvrstih tkanina i više slojeva.
Fingerhut prym.ergonomics L
S optimalnim držanjem zahvaljujući jedinstvenom dizajnu, kapica je izrađena od tvrde plastike, ali unutar naprstka je mekana tkanina koja savršeno pristaje uz vrh vašeg prsta.
Whoever thinks that a simple needlework utensil such as the thimble cannot be further developed, will be positively surprised by the “Soft Comfort” from the prym.ergonomics series.
This innovative thimble was awarded the Red Dot Design Award in 2015, because it does everything perfectly that its competitors should.
Its shaft of soft plastic in several colours offers impeccable comfort in sizes S, M , L and XL.
On its side there are four vents that prevent sweating when working for longer periods.
The top of the “Soft Comfort” thimble ‘is made of hard white plastic and has dot shaped notches which ensure perfect needle guidance even with sturdy fabrics and multiple layers.
Fingerhut prym.ergonomics L
With optimum Grip thanks to the unique design, the cap is made of hard plastic, but inside the thimble is soft fabric that fits perfectly to your fingertip.
Air holes reduce perspiration, more comforatble use all round !