Stopica za šivanje skrivenih zatvarača-Invisible-zipper foot za bernette b37_b38

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šifra: 5020601363
Invisible-zipper foot-Stopica za šivanje skrivenih zatvarača
za bernette modele b37 / b38
Noga s nevidljivim patentnim zatvaračem idealan je alat za razne zadatke i projekte.

To je stručnjak za šivanje nevidljivih patentnih zatvarača.
Integrirajte patentne zatvarače u odjevne predmete elegantno i diskretno, bez vidljivog šava.
Ova se stopa također može koristiti za dodatke i kućni tekstil.
Noga je također jednostavna za korištenje.
Dva grebena na donjoj strani služe kao vodič i osiguravaju da redovi zuba mogu lako proći.
Materijalni dio patentnog zatvarača zatim prolazi ispod stopala.


Isključite stroj. Pričvrstite stopalo kako je opisano u uputama za uporabu.
Za neke modele možda ćete morati ukloniti držač stopice. Da biste to učinili, isključite stroj, otpustite vijak i uklonite držač stopice.
Postavite stopicu patentnog zatvarača na polugu stopice i pričvrstite je vijkom.

Za nevidljive patentne zatvarače. To su posebni patentni zatvarači koji se nakon zašivanja skrivaju šavom i čine ih nevidljivima.

Vrsta uboda: ravni ubod
Duljina boda: 2,5mm , prilagođava se prema tkanini
Položaj igle: sredina
Transporter: podignuto

Stavite otvoreni patentni zatvarač na desnu stranu tkanine i pričvrstite ga na mjesto.
Ušijte prvu polovicu patentnog zatvarača odozgo prema dolje, vodeći niz zubaca kroz lijevi utor stopice. Može biti korisno nagnuti niz zuba malo ulijevo.
Zašijte dolje na klizač, a zatim uklonite tkaninu sa stroja.
Pričvrstite drugu polovicu patentnog zatvarača na drugu stranu.
Postavite niz zubaca ispod desnog utora stopice i šivajte kako je gore opisano.
Zatvorite patentni zatvarač i preklopite tkaninu s desnom stranom prema unutra. Postavite zatvarač na rub tkanine.
Zatvorite otvoreni šav ispod patentnog zatvarača, šivajući što bliže patentnom zatvaraču.
Savjet: za to je najbolje koristiti normalnu stopicu za zatvarač ili cik-cak stopicu.

Invisible-zipper foot

An invisible-zipper foot is an ideal tool for a variety of tasks and projects.
It’s an expert in sewing invisible zippers.
Integrate zippers into items of clothing elegantly and discreetly, with no visible seam.
This foot can also be used for accessories and home textiles.
The foot is also easy to use.
Two ridges on the underside act as a guide and ensure that the rows of teeth can run through easily.
The fabric part of the zipper then runs through beneath the foot.


Switch off the machine. Attach the foot as described in the instruction manual.
For some models, the presser foot holder may have to be removed. To do this, switch off the machine, loosen the screw and remove the presser foot holder.
Mount the zipper foot onto the presser foot bar and secure with the screw.

For invisible zippers. These are special zippers, which are concealed by the seam once they are sewn in, making them invisible.

Stitch type: straight stitch
Stitch length: 2.5, adjusted according to the fabric
Needle position: centre
Feed dog: raised

Place the opened zipper on the right side of the fabric and pin in place.
Sew in the first half of the zipper from top to bottom, guiding the row of teeth through the left groove of the presser foot. It may be helpful to tilt the row of teeth slightly to the left.
Sew down to the slider, then remove the fabric from the machine.
Attach the second half of the zipper onto the other side.
Place the row of teeth under the right groove of the presser foot and sew as described above.
Close the zipper and fold the fabric together with the right sides inside. Place the zipper at the edge of the fabric.
Close the open seam underneath the zipper, sewing as near as possible to the zipper.
Tip: it is best to use the normal zipper foot or the zigzag foot for this.


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