Igle za uvlačenje elastike_Prym Bodkins 2 vrste_duljina 7cm

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Igle za uvlačenje elastike_Bodkins 2 vrste
Bodkins x2

– brzo popravite manja oštećenja
– debljina: 0,8 mm
– od kaljenog čelika i obloženih grudnjaka

Ovi bodkins, izrađeni od kaljenog čelika i pročišćenog mjedi, prikladni su za umetanje elastičnih traka i užadi kroz pojas, tuneliranje kapuljača itd.
Mjedena verzija je igla koja je podijeljena na dršci i otvorena prema ušima, što daje vrh igle sfernog oblika.
Ako se traka provuče kroz ovo ušicu, a zatim umetne niz polovice osovine igle, ona se zahvaća i zatim se može provući kroz tunel dok je sigurno usidrena.
Drugi bodkin, izrađen od nehrđajućeg čelika, također je tupa igla. Međutim, ima široku, spljoštenu, a time i tanju osovinu igle s dugim i okruglim ušom.
Dugo oko je dizajnirano da prima trake i debelu pređu, okruglo je pogodno za finu pređu i o-prstenove.
Zaobljeni vrhovi igala bez iglica ne mogu probiti materijal i stoga lako klize kroz bilo koju omču ili cijev od tkanine.
Uravnotežena krutost opruge i glatka površina čine ove igle profesionalnim alatima.


– Quickly repair minor damage
– Thickness: 0.8 mm
– Made of hardened steel and coated bras

These bodkins, made of hardened steel and refined brass, are suitable for inserting elastic tapes and cords through a waistband, hood tunnelling, etc.
The brass version is a needle that is divided at the shank and open towards the eye, which gives the tip of the needle a spherical shape.
If a tape is threaded through this eye and then inserted down the needle shaft halves, it gets caught and can then be pulled through the tunnel while it is securely anchored.
The other bodkin, made of stainless steel, is also a blunt needle.
However, it has a wide, flattened, and thus, thinner needle shaft with a long and round eye.
The long eye is designed to take up tapes and thick yarns, the round one is suitable for finer yarns and o-rings.
The needles’ burr-free, rounded tips cannot pierce through the material and therefore slide easily through any fabric loop or tube.
The balanced spring stiffness and smooth surface make these needles professional tools.
