igle za QUILTING Prym 130/705H-Q 70-90 debljina 5komada

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šifra: 154930
Prym Organ igle za QUILTING 130/705H-Q debljina 70-90
paketić od 5 kom. sadrži :
3 kom. x debljina 70
2 kom. x debljina 90 

Obavezno za quilters i patchworkers: ovo posebno “Quilting” šivanje strojne igle su precizno razvijene za potrebe topbodenja i patchworka kao i za patchworking.
Njegov elegantni vrh osigurava da otpor igle na ubod bude nizak i da ulazni otvor ostane što manji.
To rezultira preciznim i urednim oblikovanjem šava – baš kao što bi se željelo od visokokvalitetne igle šivaćeg stroja.
Poseban dizajn ovih igala za šivaće strojeve dosljedno sprječava savijanje materijala, a podstava ne ukloniti tijekom prošivanja ili. Šivanje nekoliko slojeva tkanine može se obaviti bez problema.
Ove igle za poplune odlikuju se iznimno visokom kvalitetom izrade i prikladne su za korištenje sa svime konvencionalni kućanski šivaći strojevi.

A must for quilters and patchworkers: These special “Quilting” sewing machine needles have been precisely developed for the needs of top-stitching and patchwork as well as for patchworking.
Its sleek tip ensures that the needle’s puncture resistance is low and that the entry hole remains as small as possible.
This results in a precise and tidy seam formation – just as one would desire from a high-quality sewing machine needle.
The special design of these sewing machine needles consistently prevents the material from warping and the padding is not removed during quilting either.
Sewing several fabric layers can be done without a problem.
These quilt needles feature exceptionally high-quality workmanship and are suitable for use with all conventional household sewing machines.

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