šifra: 390261
Drukeri ANORAK Prym MULTIPAC 15mm black
sa alatom_100 kom.
Drukeri ANORAK 15mm-black-100 sets
– nešivene kopče za anorake, jakne, haljine, suknje i finu kožu
– srednja čvrstoća pričvršćivanja
– sa alatom
Nešivene press kopče “anorak” savršene su za jakne, anorake, haljine, suknje i materijale od fine kože zahvaljujući svojoj srednjoj čvrstoći pričvršćivanja.
Posebnost je brončana opružna žica (S-opruga), koja jamči funkciju glatkog otvaranja i zatvaranja.
Pričvršćivači su dostupni od mesinga otpornog na hrđu i u raznim završnim obradama kao što su srebro, zlatna boja, starinski mesing, starinski bakar, staro željezo ili polirani.
Još jedna atraktivna opcija je lakirana kapa u bijeloj i crnoj boji. Alati i upute su u paketu – tako da možete odmah početi!
Alternativno, “anorak” press zatvarači se mogu pričvrstiti VARIO kliještima za nešivene proizvode ili stativom.
Non-sew press fastener anorak,15mm, silver-coloured
- Non-sew press fasteners for anoraks, jackets, dresses, skirts and fine leather
- Medium fastening strength
- Including tools and instructions
The “anorak” non-sew press fasteners are perfect for jackets, anoraks, dresses, skirts and fine leather materials thanks to their medium fastening strength.
The special feature is the bronze spring wire (S-spring), which guarantees a smooth opening and closing function.
The press fasteners are available from rustproof brass and in various finishes such as silver, gold-coloured, antique brass, antique copper, old iron or burnished.
Another attractive option is the lacquered cap in white and black colours.
The tools and instructions are in the pack – so you can get started straight away! Alternatively, the “anorak” press fasteners can be fixed with
VARIO pliers for non-sew products or the tripod. Sturdy Rustproof Brass, No-Sew Nickel press fasteners.
Ideal for a more robust fastening such as outerwear, bags, purses, wallets, etc.
Silver, 100 sets – 15mm.
Tool not includet – Fixings can be used with Vario Pliers or the tripod