šifra: 0332027200
BERNINA stopica br.1C – standardna stopica za 9mm hvatače konca
Stopica za obrnuto pomicanje šavova
-jednostavno šivanje naprijed i nazad
– za ubod naprijed i nazad
– za materijale poput konopa, trapera i vune
– jamči izvrsno uvlačenje tkanine
– za strojeve od 9 mm
Sa svojim izrezima ispred i iza otvora za iglu, stopica za obrnuti uzorak #1C idealna je za šivanje uboda naprijed i obrnuto.
Ova stopica omogućuje brz rad raznih pomoćnih i ukrasnih šavova, kao i šivanje pojaseva i rubova na teškim tkaninama kao što su samt, traper ili vuna. Stopica s obrnutim uzorkom #1C ima bočni utor kroz koji se gornji konac može jednostavno provući ispod stopice i natrag.
Presser foot for reverse feed stitches
Easy forward and reverse stitching
- For forward and reverse-feed stitches
- For materials such as cord, denim and wool
- Guarantees excellent fabric feed
- For 9 mm machines
With its cut-outs in front and back of the needle opening, Reverse-pattern foot #1C is ideally suited to sewing forward and reverse-feed stitches.
This presser foot makes quick work of assorted utility and decorative stitches, as well as the sewing of waistbands and hems on heavy fabrics such as corduroy, denim or wool. Reverse-pattern foot #1C features a side slot through which the upper thread can be conveniently pulled under the foot and to the back.